Quote of the day: “I have to do my part in stopping malaria!” – Y-Bot as he chased a mosquito
Well, wasn’t the dumpster fire, aka the year 2020, loads of fun?
No need to rehash how 2020 was phenomenally terrible. One look at the news headlines will tell us that we’re not out of the woods yet, even if two (almost three!) vaccines are, at the time of this post, in the early stages of administration to the health professionals. There are plenty of people out there who are still in denial that there is a global epidemic, or they are still convinced that the masks are politicians impinging on our privileges and rights to being selfish imbeciles. At the rate we’re going, it’ll take a long while before the vaccines will be provided to more people and before the world will see COVID-19 loosen its death grip on us.
I know that the problems from 2020 didn’t magically go away when the clock ticked midnight last night. No Cinderella story here. My big feet won’t fit into a shoe so small, and I know that glass would be hell on my flat feet.
But I digress, and I am changing things up and I am not going to remain in a reactive mode for 2021. I intend to be proactively different for 2021, at least on a personal level.
On the “Happier with Gretchen Rubin” podcast, Gretchen Rubin and her sister Elizabeth Craft adopt a one-word theme every year. In the past, I have tried out ‘zen’ and ‘magic.’ Sadly, ‘magic’ was supposed to be my theme for the year 2020, and that obviously didn’t go so well.
I have settled on a word for 2021:
Ukiyo – “living in the moment, being detached from the bothers of life.”
In other words, I plan to stop operating on auto-pilot mode and instead be more mindful and aware. Yes, meditation may be figured into the equation, though my goal isn’t just to meditate more. My goal is to get my mental state to a point where I can better handle all the crap that comes my way and still carry on like everything is groovy.
And what better way to keep life’s bothers at bay than to find the humor in everything good, bad, ugly, and mundane?
2020 took away my sanity, my confidence in humanity, and my need to wear pants to work. Let’s make 2021 a comeback year!
I mean, what else do I have to lose?